The Honest Homeschool Community
A place where Jesus-loving moms can receive support, homeschool advice, and guidance.
Does This Describe You?
- You feel alone in your desire to homeschool without a supportive network.
- You have some questions about how to get started or scheduling.
- You need another homeschool mom to chat through some homeschooing issues.
- You are feeling overwhelmed and like you can't keep up.
If you can relate to any of those questions, thenThe Honest Homeschool Community is for YOU!
This Community is for you if you need some support, connection and encouragement from other like minded, homeschooling moms. Get advice from veteran homeschoolers who have been right where you are.
This is for you if you’d like some FREE EXTRAS to add to your current curriculum.
This is a place where you can get your questions answered, talk to a seasoned homeschool curriculum advisor and create a supportive mom’s group.
This is Community.
- Be confident knowing you're not alone.
- Be a valued member of a community of women who share a devotion to creating home learning environments.
- Receive curriculum advice and find what best fits your family.
- Bring peace to your homeschool.
It’s not always going to be magical. Let’s face it, hard days happen. How we respond to those days is everything. Little eyes are watching. Join us as we help you create and maintain a homeschool where children are loved, nurtured, taught and equipped to be all that God made them to be.
Welcome to the Community! Meet the Team

As a Member of The Honest Homeschool Community You’ll Receive:
One hour Live Zoom meeting each month where you can receive answers to your homeschool questions from our staff and other Community moms.
Zoom meetings will be recorded and made available for members who cannot attend the live meeting
- 100 Value
Access to our private Facebook group where questions are asked and answered by veteran homeschool moms.
Connect with other moms with kids PreK-3rd just like you!
- 25 Value
FREE digital curriculum released the last week of each month. This includes one Unit Study for ages PreK-3rd grade. Inside you’ll find:
▸ Preschool learning mats
▸ K-2 Morning work pages
▸ Math worksheets
▸ Science activities to explore
▸ Scripture Cards for memorization & copy work
- 10 Value
Discounts and Freebies offered ONLY to The Honest Homeschool Community Members!
Members of the Community receive all this for $17/mo.
You may stay in the Community as long as you find it helpful, and you may cancel at anytime.
The best tools and resources to start at any age! Cannot wait for so much more!
Rebecca is so helpful in all areas of homeschooling! Her depth of knowledge and experience are essential to my success as a new homeschooling mom. The Honest Homeschool site is a fantastic resource for all seasons of homeschooling parents!
As a mom who knew I wanted to homeschool but wasn’t sure exactly how or where to start, The Honest Homeschool had been an invaluable resource! It makes me feel like I have a homeschool mentor (who’s been there and done that!) to help me along the journey!
This site has been so helpful in my homeschool journey! Rebecca has put together a great resource for cultivating not only the virtues and morals of young ones but also creativity and academics. This site is a great resource for the overwhelmed, uncertain or even seasoned mom (or dad!) homeschool teacher.
- What if I'm in a different life stage?
We would LOVE to have you in our community. You have so much wisdom to share with those coming up behind you and you have so much wisdom to gain from those ahead of you on the journey.
- What if I'm not homeschooling yet?
We would LOVE to have you in our community. Here you can get all of your questions answered and get an idea of how homeschool could work for your family.
- What if I change my mind?
We understand that not everything is a good fit for everyone. We want you to enjoy and THRIVE in your time with The Honest Homeschool Community. If you find it’s not the right fit for you, please feel free to cancel your membership at any time. We also offer a 30 day money back guarantee so you can feel free to try it out!
- What if I have a different philosophy?
While this is a distinctly Christian Community, we are non-denominational and are a group of different styles of homeschoolers. We strive to help you create and maintain a homeschool where children are loved, nurtured, taught and equipped to be all that God made them to be.
For $17 a month you’ll receive:
One hour Live Zoom meeting each month
Access to our private Facebook group
FREE digital curriculum released the last week of each month.
Discounts and Freebies offered ONLY to Members!
The Honest Homeschool Community homeschool Curriculum homeschool unit study homeschool consulting homeschool coaching homeschool support online homeschool coaching home school Christian Jesus-loving moms dads homeschool summer camp